
Analysis Of Ethiopian Exports By Countries/Continent For 2021/2022

#Export Report
article-Analysis Of Ethiopian Exports By Countries/Continent For 2021/2022

Ethiopia's merchandise exports have witnessed notable performance across various regions, with Europe, Asia, Africa, and America serving as significant destinations. This article examines the major markets for Ethiopian exports and provides insights into the regional distribution of export earnings.


Europe emerged as the largest destination for Ethiopian merchandise exports, constituting 40.8 percent of the country's total export revenue. Among European countries, Switzerland held the top position, commanding a substantial 32.8 percent share in Ethiopia's total export earnings from the continent. It was followed by the Netherlands (23.1 percent), Germany (16.7 percent), Belgium (8.1 percent), Italy (4.8 percent), United Kingdom (3.3 percent), France (2.4 percent), Turkey (2.3 percent), and Spain (1.3 percent). Collectively, these countries accounted for an impressive 94.8 percent of Ethiopia's total exports to Europe.


Asia contributed significantly to Ethiopia's export revenue, representing a 33.1 percent share. Saudi Arabia stood out as the leading market within Asia, capturing a substantial 20.6 percent share of Ethiopia's total export earnings. The United Arab Emirates followed closely behind with a 14.1 percent share, followed by Japan (11.2 percent), Israel (8.0 percent), South Korea (7.8 percent), China (7.8 percent), India (6.2 percent), Singapore (3.1 percent), Taiwan (2.7 percent), Indonesia (1.9 percent), and Yemen (1.7 percent). Together, these countries accounted for 85.1 percent of Ethiopia's total exports to Asia.


Approximately 15.9 percent of Ethiopia's export earnings were derived from African countries. Notably, Somalia emerged as the primary market within Africa, accounting for 52.6 percent of Ethiopia's total export receipts from the continent. Other significant African markets included Djibouti (21.5 percent), Sudan (12.4 percent), Kenya (2.5 percent), and South Africa (2.1 percent). Together, these countries constituted 91.1 percent of Ethiopia's total exports to Africa.


The American market accounted for 9.4 percent of Ethiopia's total export earnings. Within this region, the United States held the dominant position, contributing 92.6 percent to Ethiopia's exports to America. Canada followed with a 6.3 percent share, while Mexico accounted for 0.3 percent. Collectively, these countries constituted a significant 99.2 percent share of Ethiopia's total exports to America.

Ethiopia's merchandise exports have experienced robust demand across multiple regions, with Europe, Asia, Africa, and America emerging as key markets. European countries, particularly Switzerland, the Netherlands, and Germany, have become significant destinations for Ethiopian exports, highlighting the growing demand for Ethiopian goods in the region. Notably, Asian markets, led by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, have played a pivotal role in driving export revenue, further strengthening Ethiopia's trade ties with the Middle East. Within Africa, Ethiopia's trade relationships with Somalia and Djibouti have flourished, contributing to the country's export growth within the continent. Meanwhile, the United States has remained a dominant market in the Americas, further fueling Ethiopia's export success.
To view the material being exported and the total revenue generated check out the following article
To View the import countries analysis check out the following article
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